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Do you have to run the shower for several minutes before the water heats up? Are you concerned that your gas water heater might be leaking? If so, it might be time to replace your water heater.
Hinson Brothers Plumbing, LLC offers affordable water heater installation and repair services for homeowners in the Lancaster & Rock Hill, SC area. You can count on us to go above and beyond to provide great service.
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Hinson Brothers Plumbing will help you make the best decisions about your water heater. Here's what we often tell our Lancaster & Rock Hill, SC clients:
Should you repair or replace a broken water heater? It depends on your water heater's age and performance, as well as your budget. A water heater repair technician at Hinson Brothers Plumbing can give you a second opinion.
When should you replace your tankless water heater? If your water heater is more than 7 years old, consider installing a more efficient unit. Let's discuss your water heater installation options.
Is a natural gas water heater worth the investment? Gas water heaters are more efficient than electric water heaters. We can help you decide if a gas water heater is right for you.
Want to know the difference between a tankless water heater and a traditional water heater? Tankless water heaters heat water up to 120 degrees almost instantaneously. Unlike tankless water heaters, conventional water heaters hold many gallons of water at a time and can take up to 30 minutes to heat water. Large families looking to lower their gas bills can benefit from tankless water heaters.
Have additional questions? Call (803) 285 4961 today to speak with a member of our team.